Thursday, January 26, 2012

sew many projects, sew little time!

Welcome to my sewing, knitting, and occasionally crochet, blog!

This is a place where I will share my trials and tribulations as I stumble through my many projects. I always have a few things on the go, but so little time to complete! I am obsessed with fabric and yarn. I love to create patterns for fabric on my computer, which I often have printed off at
I am an experienced sewer but I am lacking space and time. My sewing machine sits at the end of my tiny dining table always at the ready!
I am a novice knitter lacking experience, skills and common sense! My yarn stash is bigger then it should be as I always bite off more then I can chew! I would love to be one of those knitters who can knock of a gorgeous sweater in a week end! Does such a knitter exist?

I know it is not seemly to smash these two topics together on one blog, but for the sake of efficiency I am going to go rouge!

Because it is winter, and I am nursing a cold, many of my posts will be about knitting these days. If you have come here looking for knitting help....well, I am sorry. You won't find it here. But you might find co misery!